Friday, April 9, 2010

The Unbearable, Unimaginative, Governor Lynch

Governor Lynch continues to support Poor Tax

Once again, due to gross mismanagement of state funds, Governor Lynch needs money.  Where does he turn?  State jobs and yet another tobacco tax.  Every time he needs money, he raises the tax on tobacco.  Most folks who smoke don't have a ton of money to begin with, and their luxuries are few.  Lighting up a smoke is their way to handle the pressures of every day life.  To my knowledge, it isn't yet illegal in New Hampshire.  However, Lynch has set his sights on making it unaffordable because he's not a fan, and frankly, he has a wicked lazy brain.

It's an easy tax.  Almost everyone will think about it and say, "Well, it's not healthy, so that's a good thing to tax."  They're missing the real question.  The real question is why does Lynch repeatedly get away with punishing those with a habit he doesn't like?  I don't like the fact that he can't seem to manage the budget and continues to fund campus beautification projects when our state is drowning in a red tide of ink he facilitated.  Do i get to tax everyone who can't manage a state budget because i don't like what they're doing?  I do not. 

He must have some clever folks nattering around him, though.  This time instead of letting him announce yet another tax on tobacco to an increasingly cranky population, he threw in the threat of dumping a few state jobs related to human services.  Well!  That's guaranteed to overshadow the tobacco tax.  How can we worry about a tobacco tax when there are jobs that help people at stake?  Anyone who speaks up about a tobacco tax and not against job reduction must be one hard hearted Hannah. 

Maybe i am, and maybe i'm not.  The point is, he's over taxed a specific group of people to a point where his behavior is bordering on a bill of attainder.  He's creating tax laws that punish a specific group of individuals, and that, my friends, is unconstitutional.  I don't see him raising taxes against litterbugs twice a year.  Nobody can accuse him of raising tolls twice a year.  I've never much cared for peas.  He can tax those for awhile.  Let the pea eating population line up on his lawn this time.

I have no intention of justifying my smoking habit.  It's not right, it's not wrong, but it is my choice.  A bi-annual tobacco tax is Not my choice, yet it's blithely inflicted on me.  How is this right?

If Lynch had the sense of a mango, he'd either stop wasting the limited funds we do have and tax something else for awhile rather than continuing to persecute the same people over and over.  Generally when you pick on the same people over and over, you end up with a mutiny on your hands.  You also frequently find that they were blessed with a greater dose of imagination than yours, and when you run for re-election, you find yourself holding an eviction notice.

I believe in only spending the money you have, and less if possible.  I have the money to pay for my smokes now, but living in New Hampshire under the reign of Lynch, tomorrow is always a crap shoot.  I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "Your fair share is NOT in my wallet."  Someone ought to send one of those to Lynch.

Lily Robertson, who is so angry with Lynch she has smoke coming out her ears, can be reached at or on Facebook.